Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Freedom of speech: Protect Dissent

The smallest voices matter

 I think the most important value of free expression is protect dissent. The theory means that an individual has the Right to the opinion no matter how little other people agree with them and how small there voice is. They have the right to think it, say it, and tell whoever they want regardless of who it is. This means that people can have opinions of the government even when what they are saying goes against the government. It is welcomed and seen as duty we must do. This can be seen everyday on news channels and social media, maybe even a conversation amongst friends. People discuss politics and criticize it daily. If you turned on Fox news there is a good chance that they will criticize the Biden administration the same way CNN would criticize the Trump administration. You will often find news outlets giving people a voice to say there opinion even when it is very outlandish and not very popular. Social media is also a place full of political discussion for and against government ideas. Some opinions have big followings others don't but both are protected under free speech. Political discussion and criticism based on personal views are a integral part of America. No matter how small the opinion is it will be shared and directed straight to the source.

For example there are many petitions that went around during the BLM movements as well as during the roe v wade decisions criticizing the government and demanding for changes. They were large protests that were protected and allowed to go on. In fact protesting against the government has been apart of American culture for decades with the Women's suffrage movement and lgbt movements. It is important for Americans to critique and express there opinions to the government when things aren't going the way they like. Although those are big movements with big voices if you go to cites where those petitions were made you'll find hundreds and thousands of petitions some with huge followings some without. Petitions against the government and protest against the government can come from small voices, but they are targeting the government nonetheless and don't feel in danger when they do so. There are so many of these petitions against the government for pretty much every law and opinion a government official has ever made because Americans have there voices protected no matter how loud it is. 

Since we have so many freedoms and rights, that aren't seen in other countries. It's important to not how many places it is not only not allowed but could be deadly to speak agaisnt their government. Like in Iran right now women and men
are being killed
over the protest regarding modesty laws for women. It is being documented in real time, so while Americans can walk the streets in crowds of hundreds and thousands to protest the government and demand changes the women in Iran are being shot down for it. Many places do not allow for any anti government speech. some countries may crack down only when voices get loud but there are some that will crack down on the smallest of voices. Any move against the government even if its a simple as speaking agaisnt it won't go unpunished. 

If this was how America reacted when change was demanded the country we know today would not exist. Our government, rights, and laws change with the views of the citizens. Even when a minority voices there opinion they have a right and are protected by said rights. From there it can grow or not. Many movements start small with a singular voice and grow from there. So it's very important that no voice is in fear to speak up.

This form of freedom protects the small voices and the minority opinion. Without fear of punishment when using our voices Americans have an advantage to never hold back there thoughts. Any individual has the freedom to speak out against issues they see in there country and potentially get a following to make the changes they want to see. It is because of the protection that Americans have that allow big movements such as Black Lives Matter to demand change and make noise globally.  A group can potentially protect themselves from harms way but an individual cannot protect themselves from the government. Especially if they are going against them loudly and alone. The protection of there speech is a Crucial part of American democracy.

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