Thursday, November 3, 2022

Supreme court reflection


The Power of the Court

The supreme court is the highest court anyone can take there case to. They are the most powerful court in the country and on the globe. They have the ability to uphold the constitution which is one of the most important jobs in the U.S government. Nine judges appointed by a president with no term limit, some staying until they die. They take cases from low courts all the way up to the top. The decisions they make impact everyone in the country because they are making decisions based on the rights we all have.

The first video mentions the amount of cases they receive a year. I didn't realize the extent to the kinds of cases they took in. I figured those cases they received pertained to government bills and laws or extreme cases. They take cases that pertain to the rights of Americans regardless on how big or small. Since they at least view the cases sent in the number of the cases can be over 7000 a year. They don't pick them all to bring into court but that is still a lot of cases to look through. many of these cases are petitions asking for a retrial from a smaller court because they don't think the decision was correct. Out of the thousands of petitions sent only 100 are chosen which is a significantly small number in comparison to the ones not chosen.

what changed my perception of the Supreme Court was the way they view and consider every case that comes to them. They get thousands of cases varying in severity but regardless of who sent them in and for what reasons it gets a chance to be viewed and taken to court.

I was also surprised at the level of thinking put into the physical conference between the justices. They mentioned the thought put in before for there personal decisions but also the process of getting every thought said and considered. They put a lot of effort in making sure everything is thought through and everyone says there piece. Not only do they consider the case but also how they present there thoughts an ideas to each other to best come to a decision. 

The part of the video where they said the court can't just walk in and make decisions they cases must be brought to them and the issues they take in are often issues that have been rising in the country. I think a lot of the media portray them as a bunch of people who make decisions based on there own personal agenda which goes agaisnt what is said in the video.

The biggest take away is when they said that a rhetorical case can make a difference because it can be applied to real life. Bringing in a case and arguing about it and applying to multiple situations makes all the difference because you see how impactful the decision will be. That it doesn't just effect the one case but many other situations in the country.

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