Sunday, November 20, 2022

EOTO repsponse

Carrier pigeons  

After listening to all the different types of technologies and there evolutions. the one that stood out the most and was the most memorable was the carrier Pidgeon. it is a technology that doesn't often come to mind when thinking about different technologies because it is such an old form of communications that sound more like something from a story then a part of communication history. 

Before the presentation I was under the impression that carrier pigeons were not really used and if they were used it was for common communication between people. I learned in the presentation that they were used as communicators during war. carrying vital information back and forth that were vital to the battles at hand. One  highly memorable part of the presentation was learning about the bird that was shot and still continued her flight and a couple more after. despite being gravely injured. 

The carrier pigeons were not only used but depended on during the war because they could go were soldiers couldn't more safely. some, like the Pidgeon mentioned earlier, were rewarded for there work. which was kind surprising to me because when you think about dependent war communication a bird isn't what comes to mind and yet they were. Frequently used as well, it wasn't just a couple of instances there were hundreds of designated pigeons that communicated throughout the war. 

Although it sounds like a medical form of communication it had modern use that allowed for communications even between naval ships and land during the war. which back then was so important and difficult to do. Carrier pigeons are obviously no loner used to old vital information, or any information really, but there history is so interesting and rich. There are even sites that have pictures of some of these pigeons and what there post and job was which is very interesting to see.

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