Monday, December 12, 2022

Final prompt

Technology and Me

Technology has been a part of my entire life. My dad is a whole tech nerd so he always had the newest technology in the house. Which means I had access to said technology. There isn't a time I don't remember having some type of device starting from my iPod touch when I was 7.

This being said, I think having unlimited access to all the technologies I had have cause a few issues. I was easily distracted by them and prioritized whatever game or YouTube video I could watch in them instead of doing things like homework or chores. Not only did it distract me but certain apps like vine caused an even shorter attention span for me.

This is because i had access to technology at such a young age I didn't Know how to manage my screen time and my responsibilities. This poor management stayed with me to this day. My screen time for my phone alone is way to high and my dependence on technology is higher. Dependence on technology had a negative effect that is accepted by society. No is fighting to have a less convenient way to communicate, share, and receive information. This dependence is stirring up how we function in society. It is affecting job opportunities, lowers the amount of privacy we have, and how we communicate.


I also think a shift is social rules will be coming. Once the majority of people alive have had technology since they were children the way we function in the world will change. For example older generations are more likely to call on the phone then text. A lot of how people communicated with each other in person or through technology will be different in the coming decades because of all the advancements. Based on some poll information younger generations communicate more through technology than face to face. And older generations communicate more face to face. But this is primarily gen x and boomers. This means that there are more generations alive right now who use technology to communicate then not and that will only grow as more people are born. 

We can already see some social changes in technology after Covid, zoom meetings and remote working is becoming more normal then it was before. People don’t feel the need to have every interaction, even in business, face to face. I think this was a big shift in technology and the workplace. In my family in particular my step dad and step mom never went back to in person work after Covid and many others did not as well. Even me, I currently have a remote web design job. Technology is going to create a shift in so many different aspects of life and we are just seeing the beginning of these changes.

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Final prompt

Technology and Me Technology has been a part of my entire life. My dad is a whole tech nerd so he always had the newest technology in the ho...