Saturday, December 3, 2022

Age of ai

The Ai Transformation

 One of the main take away was how fast we are changing into automation. The video showed that the automation movement goes further than just factory jobs, it is affecting the cashier job as well. Many stores have self checkout and use that as the primary checkout section instead of a person behind a counter. Now even some fast food restaurants are doing this as well. Once fully automated that is millions of jobs, many held by women and younger people. 

As the video said women are the most at risk to loose there jobs due to automation. It also puts people who don't have access to information and higher education at risk. It will increase the inequality between people. When jobs go from working in a factory, behind a counter, or simply working in a store turns to Ai , the jobs will become people working on these AI machines. This requires higher education, which requires money and opportunity which is not universal.

The other takeaway is how Ai is being used to watch us. As shown in the video parts of the would use Ai to track every single movement people make. This can be highly dangerous depending on how its used. If used to keep people safe there is little issues but when used to control and scare individuals is when issues begin to rise. China is implementing this in a way to control and scare the citizens. What is happening in china right now is called surveillance state.

This ai watching goes further than just cameras on the streets. It can also be in you house through you r phone microphones, Alexa, or any other device that can listen and respond to you. Which can be used for advertisers. They hear what you talk about, what your interests are, and they can even detect what mood you are in. From there they can advertise things to you it thinks you what. This is known as surveillance capital.

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