Sunday, November 20, 2022

Antiwar voices

Realities of War 

I think, as said in class, War is important to American political figures. They want war because it allows them to make changes in the law with less questions. wartime allows for big and sometimes corrupt changes such as when it was allowed to jail anti war voices. I also think America kind of appointed themselves as the world police using war to accomplish there own desires. To many public war voices might turn the view of America to show how it truly operates. it also might lead to the decrease in military budget which is incredibly high. 

I think propaganda has a lot to do with it as well. Soldiers are made out to be hero's and they want you to join and be a hero to. Even now with military ads they want to appeal with peoples want to do something important and be someone important so they must portray it as such. They build up soldiers so much and if it weren't for there lack of support for veterans I might even believe them. they build a kind of fog over the realities of war so that majority of people don't see how made it really is. like the before and after photographs of Libya, I didn't even know about that until this class. there are so many instances like this that the negative effects America did are not reported on because it would make America look bad. 

War is also a big profit for America. America goes to war and will then  use that places resources for themselves. Oil is the reason for a to of wars. and since America puts so much money into there around forces they have enough resources to go out and start these wars for resources. 

The terrible reality of it all is America has been comiting war crimes or borderline war crimes for decades and they don't want that to be known ore common thought. so they do what they can and silence voices when they get to loud. Unfortunately a lot of places we get out news from benefit on being on the governments good side so they suppress these anti war voices. which is probably why its so hard to find anti war sites. 

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