Sunday, November 20, 2022

Diffusion of Innovation

Diffusion of Innovation 

The diffusion of innovation theory explains why, how, and how fast a technology spreads. Created by a professor named Everett Rodgers made this theory popular through his book Diffusions of Innovations originally published in 1962.  he bases it off of 5 factors;  the innovation itself, adopters, communication channels, time, and social social system.

Streaming was one of the biggest innovations in the way we watch media. The original major streaming service was Netflix, it has now expanded to a multitude of companies such as Hulu, Hbo Max, Disney+,  Peacock and many more. But the original innovators of this trend that started in all are  the creators of Netflix. Netflix is what popularized the idea of streaming.


It was people who were the early adaptors in this sense. We changed the way we got media. There has been a steady incline of consumers streaming and downloading's content from there home. From there there was a increase in dropping cable for streaming sites. Since 2012 cable companies have lost 25 million subscriber s moving to streaming services such as Hulu. It was people searching for a cheaper yet convenient way to view media that changed how we got media. 

it was cable channels turning into streamers that were the late adopters. They came to the game about a decade after streaming first started. Major media outlets tried to hold onto to traditional fall out for a while, some allowed for streaming of shows but you had to have cable to watch it. Now there are sites like Hbo max or Peacock that allows you to watch a cable channels show through streaming services instead of owning cable. Even having deals where its 24 dollars for a whole year. those who stuck with cable or switched late had access to less media and less options. there are numerous amount of shows that are steaming exclusives and those that aren't are rarely have reruns because they can be found on a streaming service. 

communication channels such as the internet have also made it so streaming gets more and more popular. Today you could watch a 4k movie in your house from a streaming platform as appose to years ago the best quality was found in a movie theater and even then 4k is much better then that. the fast internet and increase of internet usage has a lot to do with the spread of its popularity. As time goes on the internet will just gain uses and even more viewing capabilities. In addition to this interactive tv is also an option found
on streaming services. 

Social systems have had two different impacts of streaming. one being everyone isn't watching the same stuff anymore so there is less communitive talks about that one popular sitcom because there is no longer one popular sitcom. on the h=other hand this means a lot of people will promote there streaming show and service to there friends and in turn spread the use of streaming sites as a whole 

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