Saturday, October 29, 2022

News from media

 News Outlets: The top 5 sources of News

By: Aliya Feggins

In todays digital era, getting news from online media is more likely then getting it from a newspaper delivered at your door. Though news papers are not dead it is just so easy to get news on our phones and tablets. With so many outlets you can get to with the touch of a finger. Whether it is a online news service or a form of social media, news can be spread shared on an endless amount of platforms. Personally I tend to get my news from more social media sites then the actual source. 

1. Twitter

 Twitter  allows for millions of people to share ideas, thoughts and opinions. it also allows for new to be shared. The news shared can range from simple tabloid drama about the hottest new celebrity to articles about politics or the current state of the world. It allows for all forms of news to be shared by anyone to everyone. It also allows for discussion of the news presented to us. So it allows for people to not only hear about the current news but also see what other people think about it. 

Although there are some clickbait titles and millions of people who won't look farther into the news then the title it still provides a source for information. From acclaimed news providers like the New York Times to tabloids like the Daily Mail to someone's personal blog news can be found for free and from hundreds of sources with many different viewpoints.  

I also think it is convenient. It is so easy to just got to twitter and go to the news page and see the headlines of current events. From there I can decide if I want to read them but I at least have some type of clue about what is going on. not only that but you also see news that isn't being covered. Things that effect large groups of people but aren't getting covered can often be found on the trending page and I think that's news even though big outlets aren't covering it. 

2. TikTok

 TikTok is not the most formal place to get your news from but it can show insight from people experiencing big news events in real time. News found on TikTok normally is brief run through and since TikTok's algorithm is so exact the news on someone's feed tends to be directed to there interest and moral and political alignments.  On the users "For you page" they will flip through an endless cycle of videos they find interesting this includes any news that the algorithm thinks they will be interested in. A lot of times it brings a first hand view of current events. For example there are hundreds of videos on TikTok covering the Ukaraine war like many Ukrainian's posted TikTok's about the war and the impacts on there neighborhood's and lives. I think it allows for a more personal view of current events around the world from the people experiencing it not just news outlets. 

3. CNN

   Whether I'm reading an article or watching it on tv CNN is my go to official news site. I tend to use it after I have seen a headline of another app or heard about something and want to know more about it. it is a trustable news source and though it has a couple bases they are in line with mine so it tends to be news and opinions I agree with. I also like to watch CNN clips which I tend to see though other social media applications such as twitter. 

4. Snapchat

NBC and sky news are to places I look through on snapchat to get a overall idea of what's currently going on. it is in no way a go to but it is a quick and easy way to flip through the news. If a story happens to catch your eye you get a couple minute run through of the event getting the general basis of it all. it is Quick, easy and convenient. especially if you don't want to sit down and read any type of formal news story.

                          5. Good Morning America

I know Good Morning America isn't all strictly news but they do talk about current events on the show. I just like it because you get a full view of what's happening around the world politically as well as news in pop culture and other things. having it on while making breakfast or just relaxing in the morning is a very pleasant experience and I've been watching them since  was a kid so I'm used to the dynamics and structure of the show itself. I know its a talk show and not a super news source compared to the view and other shows like it I think it presents current news the best and has better discussions about said news. 

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